Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Middle East Technical University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Architecture, Turkey
Approval Date: 2019
Thesis Language: English
Supervisor: Ayşe Güliz Bilgin Altınöz
Abstract:Following the foundation of the Republic of Turkey in 1923, many modernization movements were started to reconstruct a modern new nation among which ‘education’ had an important role and position. As a reflection of the bottom-up development policy of the new Republic, a new education system of village institutes was established to support rural development via rural education. With the principle of revitalization of the villages, it was aimed to train teachers, agricultural experts, and health officers from and for the villages. In time, it became one of the most organized movements for the modernization of rural areas in Turkey, and by 1948 the number of the village institutes reached 21 spreading all over the country. However, due to the changing development and education policies after the 1950s, the village institutes were dissolved in 1954. As a consequence, the campuses of village institutes, which can be considered as modern period rural heritage places reflecting various tangible and intangible properties and values, started to change or become leftover places. İvriz Village Institute, located in the province of Konya, was built by the co-work of the institute’s members according to the project obtained by a National Architectural Competition and was opened in 1940. After the closure of the village institutes, the campus has still continued its education function, though with a changing approach and system. Accordingly, the campus kept its land and buildings; however, the agricultural land, as well as most of the buildings and facilities, were abandoned and left as ruins. This thesis proposes principles, strategies, and actions for sustainable conservation and management of the village institutes as modern period rural heritage places, focusing on the İvriz Village Institute in Konya, based on a comprehensive understanding of the properties, values, problems and potentials in different scales and periods.