An investigation of landslide at km: 12+200 of Artvin-Şavsat junction-Meydancık provincial road

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Geological Engineering, Turkey

Approval Date: 2012


Supervisor: TAMER TOPAL


The purpose of this study is to determine the most suitable remediation techniques via engineering geological assessment of the landslide that occurred during the construction of Artvin-Şavşat Junction - Meydancık Provincial Road at Km: 12+200 in an active landslide area. For this purpose, the geotechnical parameters of the mobilized geological material which is colluvium along the sliding surface were determined by back analyses of the landslide at three geological sections. The landslide were then modeled along the most representative section of the study area by considering the landslide mechanism, the parameters determined from the geotechnical investigations, the size of the landslide and the location of the slip circle. In addition, pseudostatic stability analyses were performed comprising the earthquake potential of the site. The most suitable slope remediation technique was determined to be a combination of surface and subsurface conditions. A static analysis of the landslide shall also be performed through utilizing finite element analyses. The static analyses were compared with the inclinometer readings in the field to verify the direction of the movement. Consequently, shear strength parameters were specified as c = 0 kPa and f = 10° for the landslide material and pre-stressed anchoring and rock buttressing were considered as a remediation method.