The Dislocation of power and alienation through the use of dramatic violence in Edward Albee's The Zoo Story, Eugene Ionesco's The Lesson and Sarah Kane's Blasted

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Education, Department of Foreign Language Education, Turkey

Approval Date: 2012

Thesis Language: English

Student: Hasret Kur



The main objective of this study is to analyze the dislocation of power and alienation through the use of dramatic violence in Edward Albee’s The Zoo Story, Eugene Ionesco’s The Lesson and Sarah Kane’s Blasted. To illustrate the idea of dislocation in the plays mentioned, this dissertation primarily concentrates on the theoretical backgound of two distinctive themes; power and alienation. After this, the idea of violence and language are examined in relation to the development of power and alienation. The thesis then provides brief information about the absurdist tradition to which the plays The Zoo Story and The Lesson belong. After the analysis of the dislocation of power and alienation with the use of dramatic violence in these two plays, it presents brief information about “in-yer-face” theatre and the paralellism between this theatre and the absurd tradition. Finally, the idea of dislocation of power and alienation in Blasted, which belongs to a later period, is illustrated to show the actuality of the theme violence and its effects in Western drama.