Children’s expectations from learning technologies

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Industrial Design, Turkey

Approval Date: 2011

Thesis Language: English


Supervisor: Hakan Gürsu


The aim of the thesis is to find out children’s expectations from smart products that enhance their learning and analyze their conformity with the state of art smart products and educational technologies. The developments in technology affect many dimensions including education. There are many studies that aimed to improve the learning process by the help of technology. However, the perspective of children considering this topic is almost absent in the literature. Therefore, expectations of children from learning technologies are explored via an empirical study. The state of art smart technologies and products to enhance learning will also be covered. Then, in the light of an empirical study, to what extent children’s expectations overlap with current technologies will be presented.