Thesis Type: Doctorate
Institution Of The Thesis: Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Sociology, Turkey
Approval Date: 2006
Thesis Language: English
Student: Enis Güvenç Tataroğlu
Abstract:This thesis is concerned with the conceptual analysis of tourism and its evaluation from various perspectives in a tourist town. Tourism in this study is addressed as a space-based phenomenon compromising the activities supplying the cultural sphere to the international market. In this respect, tourism is evaluated as the integrity of social, cultural and material interventions germane to the construction, production and consumption of difference on the basis of the relationships of global and local processes. On this account tourism leads to social and cultural transitions on destination communities. In this process, nature, history, cultural assets and way of life become the subject to the production and consumption of tourism system through the interventions including representational, material and even the performance of actors. Because of its multidimensional characteristics, this thesis also evaluates tourism as a contested and controversial process stemming from the differences among various sections of local community. The findings of this study show that the metaphors of ̕nature̕, ءtradition̕, ءcosmopolitism̕ and ءbridge̕ are remarkable in constructing Marmaris and environs. The spatial regulation in which tourist and local relationships are actualized have been emphasized as the distinctive characteristics of Marmaris, which brings about the consequence that local community participates in the tourism process via their performance. Besides, it has been put forward that because the distinctions between tourism and non-tourism is blurred and because various issues regarding tourism are evaluated in relation with identity, locality, tradition and culture, Marmaris has become a contested space.