Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Psychology, Turkey
Approval Date: 2013
Abstract:The first aim of study is to develop and validate ‘Militaristic Attitude’ Scale, and ‘Masculine Structure of Military’ Scale for measuring militaristic attitudes, and attitude toward masculine structure of military. The second aim is to explore predictive power of Turkish identity, uninational ideology, conservatism, and religious orientation on militaristic attitudes, and to investigate predictive power of Turkish identity, ambivalent sexism, conservatism, and religious orientation on attitude toward masculine structure of military. Also, the effects of demographic variables, and perceived general threat on militaristic attitudes is tested. Therefore, thesis includes two different studies. 339 university students participated in Study 1; 5-dimensional, 43-item ‘Militaristic Attitude’ Scale (α=.95) which includes attitude toward existence of military, given value to military, militaristic system, compulsory military service, and active political position of military sub-scales, and 1-dimensional, 8-item ‘Masculine Structure of Military’ Scale (α=.89) have been developed, and validated. In Study 2, there were 583 university students as participant. According to findings of regression analyses, greater emotional and cognitive bond with Turkish identity leads to more support for superiority or dominant position of Turkish national identity over other ethnic groups/identities which in turn strengthens supportive militaristic attitude. Also, greater emotional and cognitive bond with Turkish national identity leads to more hostile, and benevolent sexist attitudes which in turn increase supportive attitudes toward priority of man in military, and acceptance of military service as a masculine phenomenon. Demographic variables, conservatism, religious orientation, and perceived threat toward territorial integrity of country, and existence of military have predicted militaristic attitudes.