Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Approval Date: 2020
Student: Merv Akbıyık
Abstract:The purpose of this thesis is based on to claim that in paradigmatic problematization of art, contemporary art and specificities of subjectivities of contemporary art initiatives which is in contemporary art should be understood on the basis of knowledge and politics. The approach to contemporary art initiatives through Feminist Standpoint Theory will also bring the understanding of contemporary art that is critical to capitalist understanding of contemporary art. The institutionalized capitalist contemporary art is criticized by contemporary art initiatives both in their art practices and in their way of ‘organizations’. Feminist Standpoint methodology, through interactions allows one to acquire the specificities of the subjectivities of contemporary art initiatives that portray their differences. These differences are crucial in the sense that identifying the subjectivities of these art initiatives that are critical to paradigmatically modernist based art groups. Furthermore, the differences of these initiatives produce different knowledge and politics. In this study, the contemporary art initiatives in Ankara in Turkey are tried v to be understood on the basis of knowledge and politics productions. What was found is that Ankara contemporary art initiatives, in general, do not effectively produce critical knowledge and politics to capitalist contemporary art. Moreover, some of the ‘members’ of these initiatives try to participate in capitalist contemporary art scene. However, the video based contemporary art initiatives in Ankara produces critical knowledge and politics contrary to plastic arts based or music-based initiatives. In that sense, different initiatives produce different knowledge and politics, yet, it is crucial to criticize capitalist formations of art.