The constitution of the female subject in Emma and the proud woman (Mağrur Kadin)

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Middle East Technical University, Turkey

Approval Date: 2012

Thesis Language: English

Student: Ebru Didem Alparslan



The main aim of this thesis is to analyze the constitution of the female subjectivity in the novels, Emma by Jane Austen and The Proud Woman (Mağrur Kadın) by Muazzez Tahsin Berkand, through the discourse of romance and within the discursive features of the narratives reflecting their time and cultures. The reflections of modernity are also analyzed in both texts in relation to the life styles and the representations of the male and female characters. This thesis deals with the issue of romance and romantic love in these novels in terms of examining the women’s experience of romance within the patriarchal order through the pleasure of the texts offering to its readers.