Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Approval Date: 2017
Thesis Language: English
Student: Hatice Merve Aksan
Abstract:This thesis aims to interrogate how political subjectivity of the precarious groups is marginalized discursively by the political power, and how this political marginalization becomes the source of both the resistance and the precarity of these communities. Regarding Judith Butler’s framework on precarity, precariousness, and livability throughout the study, precariousness is defined as the required conditions which need to be met in order to sustain the life as a life, and it points out to living socially and politically, while precarity refers to the particular vulnerability imposed on certain communities. It is expected that these points could be seen in differential allocation of grief and mourning. Thus, this study first explores, in 2010’s context of Turkey, how bodily appearance in the public space is used to resist the precarity. Secondly, this study aims to indicate how the hegemony of the political power in Turkey and the counter power of the precarious communities operate in the process of mourning, based on grievability. Therefore, this study aims to reveal power relations on grievability, hence livability. Lastly, this study reveals the clues of how a politics upon precariousness opens the door to alliance with other precarious communities and to what extent a politics on grievability could be considered as an operative resistance to precarity.