Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Geological Engineering, Turkey
Approval Date: 2019
Student: Umur Berberoğlu
Abstract:The Çeltikçi basin is located at the southern margin of a volcanic terrain known as “Galatian Volcanic Province” located on top of Cretaceous accretionary prism and to the south of North Anatolian Fault. The aim of this study is to investigate the difference in the style and intensity of deformation between Plio-Quaternary clastics and Miocene units. The units exposed in the area are classified as, from oldest to youngest, Miocene volcanics, Miocene Çeltikçi formation, Plio-Quaternary and Quaternary units. The fault-controlled talus to fan deposits and Quaternary alluvial deposits are the youngest units in the area. The dip strike measurements of bedding planes and the analysis of fault slip data were used for the post-Miocene deformational studies. The intense faulting and folding are observed for the Miocene units. However, the Plio-Quaternary clastics are gently folded and poorly faulted. The field data and fault plane slip data analyses revealed that there is compression during post-Miocene to Late Pliocene period. However, during Quaternary and onwards the operating deformation is extension.