Structural and ideological transformation of public space: The case of Tabriz

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Turkey

Approval Date: 2018


Supervisor: İNCİ BASA


Transformation of the public spaces in Tabriz during the early years of 20th century is the main problematic of this research. Regarding this, the previous urban fabric will be considered and the influence of state during Pahlavis on the built environment and public spaces will be discussed meticulously. Iran as a country which adopted the modernity with retardation, encountered a unique experience. It is very difficult to study Iran like other countries since she never became a colony in the region. In this regard, studying Tabriz has its own impediments because of being the gate of modernity and almost all experiences of this period practiced for the first time in the city. The changing role of the city after transferring power to other political groups, altered its socio-political situation in a rapid way as well and it is important to know that its urban fabric faced severe transformations and destructions. This study is an attempt to understand and evaluate the transformation of the public space comprehensively. These evaluations consider both structural and ideological motivations in this process. In addition, a more salient frame about the relation of power, state and public space tried to be drawn regarding the defined case study. In this process, state uses its tools to change the space within its power. These changes will be discussed further but what is important here to mention is the role of state apparatuses considering these transformations and how the space became the controlling mechanism of the state in the society. The urban fabric and built environment will be analyzed by employing the socio-political theories rather than considering solely physical issues and elements.