Secure multiparty computation via oblivious polynomial evaluation

Tezin Türü: Doktora

Tezin Yürütüldüğü Kurum: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Enformatik Enstitüsü, Siber Güvenlik Anabilim Dalı, Türkiye

Tezin Onay Tarihi: 2012




The number of opportunities for cooperative computation has exponentially been increasing with growing interaction via Internet technologies. These computations could occur between trusted partners, between partially trusted partners, or even between competitors. Most of the time, the communicating parties may not want to disclose their private data to the other principal while taking the advantage of collaboration, hence concentrating on the results rather than private and perhaps useless data values. For performing such computations, one party must know inputs from all the participants; however if none of the parties can be trusted enough to know all the inputs, privacy will become a primary concern. Hence the techniques for Secure Multiparty Computation (SMC) are quite relevant and practical to overcome such kind of privacy gaps. The subject of SMC has evolved from earlier solutions of combinational logic circuits to the recent proposals of anonymity-enabled computation. In this thesis, we put together the significant research that has been carried out on SMC. We demonstrate the concept by concentrating on a specific technique called Oblivious Polynomial Evaluation (OPE) together with concrete examples. We put critical issues, challenges and the level of adaptation achieved before the researchers. We also provide some future research opportunities based on the literature survey.