Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Statistics, Turkey
Approval Date: 2009
Supervisor: BARIŞ SÜRÜCÜ
Abstract:In statistical analysis, distributional assumptions are needed to apply parametric procedures. Assumptions about underlying distribution should be true for accurate statistical inferences. Goodness-of-fit tests are used for checking the validity of the distributional assumptions. To apply some of the goodness-of-fit tests, the unknown population parameters are estimated. The null distributions of test statistics become complicated or depend on the unknown parameters if population parameters are replaced by their estimators. This will restrict the use of the test. Goodness-of-fit statistics which are invariant to parameters can be used if the distribution under null hypothesis is a location-scale distribution. For location and scale invariant goodness-of-fit tests, there is no need to estimate the unknown population parameters. However, approximations are used in some of those tests. Different types of estimation and approximation techniques are used in this study to compute goodness-of-fit statistics for complete and censored samples from univariate distributions as well as complete samples from bivariate normal distribution. Simulated power properties of the goodness-of-fit tests against a broad range of skew and symmetric alternative distributions are examined to identify the estimation effects in goodness-of-fit tests. The main aim of this thesis is to modify goodness-of-fit tests by using different estimators or approximation techniques, and finally see the effect of estimation on the power of these tests.