Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Turkey
Approval Date: 2014
Abstract:Linear elastic procedures are extensively used in seismic codes either for design or assessment, however it does not necessarily mean that they are always accurate. In the first part of this study, performance limits of the force-based linear assessment procedure in the Turkish Earthquake Code are verified and calibrated with the displacement-based performance limits which are obtained from experimental data. Four case study buildings, all of which satisfy code design requirements are assessed with force based and displacement based linear procedures under their design spectrum. Force and displacement based results are compared to each other. Accordingly, necessary adjustments are suggested on the force-based performance limits of the Turkish Seismic Code. In the second part, limitations of linear procedures are investigated through a comparative evaluation of linear and nonlinear procedures. Nine case study buildings are analyzed using linear response spectrum analysis and nonlinear response history analysis procedures under nine different ground motions. Plastic rotation demands at member ends are used as common deformation parameters, where the results from nonlinear analyses are accepted as benchmark. Demand to capacity ratios (DCR) at member ends calculated from linear procedure is used as the decision parameter. For different buildings with different systems and irregularities, applicability of linear procedures are investigated and limitations are proposed by considering the level of irregularities which are expressed in terms of DCR distributions.