An investigation of building information modeling maturity in Turkish small-medium size enterprises architectural and engineering firms

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Turkey

Approval Date: 2017




Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry experiences Building Information Modeling (BIM) transition process in all over the world. As the firms have advanced on BIM implementation, a necessity to benchmark the BIM performance has emerged. A couple of assessment tools were released for the sector to be used by organizations, individuals and governments to benchmark the BIM implementation maturity. The architecture and engineering firms in Turkey are also in the midst of BIM transition. However, there is little attention given to studies related with BIM maturity assessment in Turkish AEC organizations. For that reason, a BIM maturity assessment study was conducted in Turkey with seven architecture and engineering firms. The findings of the assessment study stated that the sector suffers from a lack of available official guidance and documentation on BIM implementation. In order to understand the practical handicap of the issue, the best practice guides of United States and United Kingdom were compared with Turkish practices. Based on the derived information from this comparison study, an evaluation and discussion session followed the process. At the end of the research, the findings were not only validated by comparing the results with the statements of vi the firms that participated in BIM maturity assessment but also has been echoed with the statements in the sector report in the 10th Development Plan of Turkey released in 2013 by the Ministry of Development.